Thursday, September 05, 2024

My Jail Experience

I want to sincerely thank every one of you who worked diligently to get me out of the situation so that I could get back to life again! Without your help I would probably rot in that place. Well they kept me there and since the warrant is from Travis county a police van will come from Austin to pick me up and put in their holding facility. I will be there until the next court date. Only the bond will help me get out and see sunlight again. And be able to have access to my phone and move around freely.

The first thing you lose in a place like that is the concept of time. There is no clocks anywhere and there are no windows to see outside. The light will be fully shining bright even during sleeping. The food was just canned beans, a corn bread sometimes seeetened sometimes not, porridge, cooked rice and a blob of meat patty put on top and some sauce poured over it. All in a dimpled plastic tray looking thing. I just eat beans out of the can and the corn bread. Survived on just that doe the two days. So many interesting stories to tell. I was observing everything detached and never felt scared or depressed. Everything was new, never seen stuff and ways of government, no niceties, just harshness. It is sad to see what kind is people go there. Little things is all it take to get there.

Putting on the handcuffs is the little disappointing at first but will get used to it fast. Multiple times it is take out and put it in. Always on handcuffs when transporting.

Bed to sleep was better than the one I was sleeping in india! Ha ha. That prepared me for everything. Water sink is above the potty - all one single stainless steel piece. Initially so demeaning but no choice but to drink water from it standing on top of the stainless steel potty.

Actually I am so glad that I was out through the ringer. It is very demeaning from start to finish. I was waiting for my name to be called every minute to take me out of that place. There are over 500 people in there. It is very similar to some movies I saw. Open area to eat, the supervisor can see every cell. Each cell has two people with a double  bunk bed. The door is remotely closed and open. Let out only during breakfast lunch and dinner time. Mornings will get to be outside in the dining area where chess and paying cards are available. Made a few friends asked about how they all got there and so many interesting stories. Some of them are there for months! I was there just for 1 day only, thanks to you all and esp Nikhil who was willing to put up $1000 of his own money for my freedom.

It is interesting that America is the land of Freedom whole most incarcerated people in the world!

Some of them are mental health patients, some are found with 10 gms of gummy bears or more than 5 gms of marijuana. Some are hardcore meth addicts. Some are men who have scorned their girlfriends or wives.

There was a manager of a software company doing web security pulling in 300k a year. Wife got him in.

Another guy - a lineman - who install overhead power lines making $200k a year - his ex turned him. Sad stories

My room mate cry and laughter out loud during night time. A total mental health case. He begged for my food and I gave it to him and went hungry. This is after he eating his own dinner. He was in for terrorist threat - he should be in a mental institution and  not in jail. Poor thing.

Most are black people. 2 or three white. I was the ONLY indian. Couple of people in wheelchairs

The server , a black guy saw me and asked why are you here. Your kind are not supposed to be here!

First day was at a holding facility by thr airport. Good food, nice new bed blanket is a Mylar sheet which runners would wrap themselves with after a marathon run. So steamy inside. When booked at the county jail - transported  there in a van with 15 other inmates.

After mugshotting and tv test and medical inquiries was given jail clothes. A onesie. Had to take all clothes off including shoes. Has to wear their chappels and rough cotton dark green onesie. But not the striped kind. It has Tarrant county jail written on the back. Ever the underwear has to be removed and has to wear their rough cotton underwear. For most people I guess it feels humiliating but for me I was enjoying this experience and observing how everything works in US jails.

My picture can be seen on website for the day of 8th Nov I think. For the whole world to see ha ha.

A very good experience to go through. Knowing that I will be bonded out from there made it ok, but the wait was painful.

I can see jail will be a better life for homeless people than being outside in the cold/heat where this jail was cooler inside - not sure if they have heater. One guy who had been to many jails told he this is the best jail he has ever been.  He said it feels like luxury

So when I got out had to go to the bonding place do some paperwork. Then went to airport and found out that they can’t put me on another flight without buying a new ticket. I had to buy on the spot and had to pay $200 because the American Airlines lady used her debit card to pay for the ticket since I lost my wallet in the process. Paid her like $20 as tip.

(this is not complete, I will update when I get some time)