Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Working Towards a Humanistic Government

We have made so many mistakes in the past as a society. We have done a lot of things right was well. We are still evolving into a better society. Here are the things we can do to accelerate our quality of life in this blue planet.

America lost her leadership in the world power, every country is slowly coming out to be powerful in their own way, in self sufficiency, the life quality and such.  America should lead the world in converting this world into a humanistic society. And it need to start from the government.
55% of American budget is going towards military. This could be very well used inside for the welfare of the people.

A chunk of money and effort need to be set aside to reduce military budgets of countries of the world. This is a burden the world is taking on their shoulders because they are afraid of their neighboring country. If there can be consensus to whittle down military budgets to zero of every country, that would be a great move, through bringing neighboring countries to drop their guard and tell them there is nothing to fear and showing that we are reducing our weapon program as well.

Part of the American Interests in the middle east and such is leading up to arms accumulation. But by helping to accelerate a shift in the energy sector that area can be made irrelevant, since we can produce our own energy and promote alternate energy that we can be one day self sufficient and still be non polluting. This will save us from having any bases in any part of the world for energy sake.
This need to be targeted as a priority item. This will also have far reaching consequences that we can make a very positive change in the existence of the earth itself.

Locally here is what we need to change:

1. Capital punishment need to stop. Killing someone is not the solution for people's crimes. Just because someone committed a crime at the spur of the moment when they lost themselves, doesn't mean that it should destroy their life.

2. Incarceration need to stop. Making people miserable and wasting their lives in jail cells is inhumane. Need other ways to bring correction to human's lives

3 Low income wages where people cannot make a living is not acceptable. Should have a policy of living wages as applied to local areas about providing people with wages which not only make people have a roof above their head, have three time meals, but also can have time for leisure.

4. Education should be as free as possible, this allows to create a foundation for humans who can earn a good living. At least a college education should be best, along with knowledge to get them to be working right away (vocational training).

5. Work towards low cost housing, so that it would be only a small part of people's expense, so that they have more money towards enjoyment in life.

6. Basic free healthcare. Anyone should be able to see a medical professional without substantial cost from their pocket. Everyone should pay for their own healthcare, or have a monthly payment system where everyone participates so that the sick can get afforable healthcare.

7. Tax burden put on people and corporations need to be reduced to a point that people should be glad to pay the taxes for the things they get in return. Better infrastructure, better government services

8. Government need to keep it to the minimum so that the tax burden on people can be reduced. Government is most times a wasteful entity and need to be run frugally, but with highly paid officials so that we can attract efficient and intelligent people to run it. Just the opposite is what happens now.

9. Immigration. The society is not stagnant, people are rapidly aging in the country, and need talent which need to replace them, and young vibrant people need to be the core of a society, if not there can be replenished with immigrants. They are such a great asset to any society and we should not fail to recognize it. Rules need to be changed to quickly bring so called illegal immigrants to main stream, so that they can start paying the taxes. Singular huge benefit for the government along with their use of time and effort to better our society.

10. Efficient judicial system, currently very much broken, need to be reviewed and fixed.

11. Laws - laws and rules need to be kept to a minimum. Encouraging people to participate in activities need to be given priority than banning them from activities. Eliminate silly thing out of criminal category, like drug possession and such.